Hi, I’m Olivia Pinto, and it’s my pleasure to meet you!

I could introduce myself by telling you everything about my professional qualifications and background in health care, personal development and  spiritual growth.

I could be very specific when describing my experience as a practitioner, lecturer, instructor, trainer, facilitator and coach.

But the best way to know more about me, is to understand WHY do I do what I do…? 


I was made in Brazil, delivered in France, brought up in Spain and Israel, lived in Hong Kong, Cyprus, and Israel. I visited more than 30 countries. I owned healthcare clinics in Hong Kong, Cyprus and Israel. For over 12 years I taught healthcare and spiritual workshops in more than 10 countries in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa.

How is this relevant to my WHY?

Because with all this cosmopolitan experiences, blended with my eclectic studies, I realized that underneath the cultural and racial differences, human being are very similar…. And yes, circumstances and stories vary, but we all know what is pain, hurt, suffering, anger, fear, worry, grief, joy, excitement, anticipation, surprise…

We all know how it feels to want to do something and end up not doing it, or not wanting to do something and end up doing it… We all have limiting beliefs that can rub us from our potential if we don’t outgrow them. We all have expectations and disappointments.  

My passion has always been to help (myself) and other people ease their pain. From my very first profession, as a physiotherapist, where I was trained to deal primarily with physical pain, through my more alternative health care professions where I learned to add to my toolkit / approach ways to relieve non-physical pain and suffering as well.

Ultimately, as I went more and more into personal development and spiritual growth, I realized that we can live from a place of inner peace, joy and love.

So why so few people are living from this place? Why so many people think along the lines of: “yes, but in my case…” or “if you had my circumstances…” or “I would love a better life but there is nothing I can do about it…” or “this is my destiny / genetics…”?

I’ve been there myself, so I am very familiar with those feelings and thoughts….

One of the many things I learned from one of my mentors, Peter Sage, is a very practical model that shows different levels of awareness / consciousness.

The first level, is associated with: “I am stuck and I don’t see a way out of the situation”. In other words, “I am the victim of my circumstances”. I refer to this level, characterized by the ‘victim mentality’, as the level of ‘To-Me’.

The second level, is associated with: “if it’s to be, it’s up to me”. In other words, “I am invincible and I can change my circumstances and win this battle”. I refer to this level, characterized by the ‘over-achiever mentality’ as the level of ‘By-Me’.

The Challenge:

For many years I was dancing between the two… I was calling it ‘the ups and downs of life…’

And trust me, I had many reasons why I could remain the victim in ‘To-Me’… but I wanted more, so I kept forcing myself into ‘By-Me’.

The problem with ‘To-Me’, apart from experiencing very heavy emotions and thoughts, is that not much is happening… it feels stuck, there is a stagnation…

That is why being in ‘By-Me’ felt so much better… as an over-achiever, I was in action, I was getting results, I had goals, a purpose, something to measure and celebrate, I was finally responsible for my life… but I faced two problems.

My first problem was that my tendency to drop into ‘To-Me’ was there all the time, and there were moments with a very strong gravitational pull towards it…

My second problem was that living life in ‘By-Me’ in the long run is overwhelming and exhausting, on all levels, and I ended up feeling stressed and unfulfilled.

For example, when running my businesses, no matter how much I loved what I was doing, I was always in a Do-ing mode: apart from delivering my services and helping people, I had to run the actual business: marketing, sales, promotion, customer support, development, admin, accounting etc… to get more clients, bigger revenue, better managed business, better results.

Even when I joined Network Marketing, I found myself talking about financial freedom and time freedom, but I was not experiencing them at all, to say the least… Always hoping for a better future…

So I ended up living with hope… repeating to myself that: “WHEN this and that will happen, THEN I will have or feel what I want…” while chasing the next goal…

That’s when the third level ‘knocked on my door’ and it’s a game changer.

When the HOW knocked on my door:

The third level, is associated with: “I am co-creating my life effortlessly”. In other words, “I am in flow, alignment and coherence”. I refer to this level, characterized by the ‘flow mentality’, as the level of ‘Through-Me’.

Did I experience ‘Through-Me’ in the past? Yes, of course, I did have glimpses here and there, when I was in the right environment or doing certain practices, but I was never able to sustain it.

I found myself visiting ‘Through-Me’ here and there, like finding a parking spot against all odds, or thinking of someone just to get a phone call from that person, and other synchronicities that I experienced occasionally. I call them glimpses, because I was just visiting there, but I was not living there.

So most of the time, I felt sick and tired of swimming upstream, of investing so much time, energy and money to get things done and improve… And I felt frustrated and out of integrity that I was helping so many people, while feeling stuck deep inside… I felt terrified of feeling financially stuck…

And I felt desperate that I knew better, and while I occasionally experienced those glimpses,  most of the time there was this huge gap between what I knew and remembered to be possible, and my reality and day-to-day state.


‘Through-Me’ opened up a whole new way of living… a completely new approach to life, to myself, and I understood that everything that I was trying to change was faulty by default, because:

It is not about trying to avoid life and feeling that I cannot change my circumstances or feeling great only IF something will happen (‘To-Me’).

It is not about trying to control life and feeling that I create my reality or feeling great WHEN something will happen (‘By-Me’).

It’s about co-creating life, and living effortlessly and aligning my heart and mind, becoming the change I wish to see. That’s when feeling great is not conditional (IF or WHEN), it’s about feeling great NOW, regardless of circumstances (‘Through-Me’).

The first step of course is to gain the awareness of ‘Through-Me’, but an intellectual understanding, regardless of how smart one is, is not be enough to shift into a life of ‘Through-Me’.

The outer world is nothing but a reflection of the inner world. Therefore, rather than focusing on our life circumstances (outer world), we need to first focus on our inner world, master it and then the outer world follows.

Therwise we are addressing just the measurable symptoms (tip of the iceberg), not the root cause (the whole iceberg), which brings us to a state of split and disharmony, or inner conflict.

Unless and untill the deeper cause is addressed and healed (the inner world), the solution(s) in the outer world will not be holistic or sustainable. 

So here is my WHY… I want to help people:

  • stop struggling and live a life of flow and coherence
  • learn how to co-create, rule reality and live life on their terms
  • align themselves, live in flow and feel fulfilled 
  • feel inner peace regardless of challenges and circumstances
  • end the suffering of ‘To-Me’, end the exhaustion of ‘By-Me’
  • live a life of ‘Through-Me’, a life of Inner Stillness and Outer Momentum
  • AND… pay it forward through personal example, creating ripples towards global transformation

If you resonate with my WHY, I invite you to click the button below to learn how we can work together and how I can help you live your WHY!